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Inclusive Education: 

Advocacy and training materials

The following are relevant and useful advocacy and training materials on the issue of inclusive education:


1. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Towards Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities: A Guideline, 2009 (pdf)


This Guideline is the outcome of a project developed by UNESCO Bangkok to: (1) analyse  the  complex  interplay  of  factors  resulting  in  exclusion; and (2) obtain detailed information about education systems in selected countries where a specific commitment has been made to include children with disabilities in schools through the national education and monitoring processes. This Guideline aims to provide guidance to all countries in the region as they move towards including all children, (including those with disabilities and those in other disadvantaged situations) in their national education plans and implementation.


2. UNESCO, Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education, 2009 (pdf)


This Guideline serves as a resource for policymakers, teachers and learners, community leaders, and members of civil society promoting effective strategies for reaching the Education For All goals. The Guideline begins by explaining the relevance of inclusive education in today’s context and describes how inclusion is linked to Education for All. It then outlines the key elements in the shift towards inclusion, focus particularly on teaching for inclusion and the role of teachers, other educators, non-teaching support staff, communities, and parents. It also provides simple tools for policy-makers and education planners to analyse education plans in view of inclusive education.


3. Enabling Education Network (EEN) UK, Enabling Education Review Special Issue- 2015 “Inclusive Education Advocacy, 2015 (pdf)


This Special Edition of EEN’s Enabling Education Review documents examples of ‘inclusive education advocacy in action’ in Armenia, Tajikistan, Gaza, Indonesia and Afghanistan, and focuses particularly on the strategies used and challenges faced by the advocates in the respective process. The aim is to help those working in education to better understand how to transform advocacy ideas and theories into relevant practical action.


4. Richard Wiezer, Implementing Inclusive Education: A Commonwealth Guide to Implementing Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Second Edition), 2012 (pdf)


This Report critically examines international, district, and regional and national programmes geared towards inclusive education in countries that have signed and ratified the CRPD. It also addresses topics such as changing attitudes, developing a “disability rights in education model”, and developing inclusive practices at school and classroom levels.


5. Catholic Relief Services Vietnam, How-to Guide: Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities, 2007 (pdf)


This Guide outlines the recommended steps and main components of building a successful inclusive education programme, as backed by the experiences of CRS/Vietnam and a list of indicators for successful programmes. The Guide also provides information on CRS/Vietnam’s next steps to expand, improve, and sustain its inclusive education initiatives through policy advocacy, specific recommendations for the inclusion of children with various or multiple impairments, and general recommendations for developing countries interested in building inclusive education programmes.

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