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According to the factsheet from the International Labor Organization (“ILO”), the employment rate of people with disabilities in urban and rural areas rose from less than 50% in 1987 to 80% in 2008. However, challenges remain for persons with disabilities to realize the right to work. They include:


  • Bias and discrimination in society due to stereotypes;

  • Increasing gap in the living conditions of disabled persons and others;

  • Poverty;

  • Lack of opportunities to access to employment, education, vocation training, and social security;

  • Lower education and skills;

  • Low quality employment (including low wages and conditions of work);

  • Shortage in job opportunities;

  • Insufficient employment services to assist disabled persons in finding jobs;

  • Underdeveloped social security system (including inadequate financial support); and

  • Weak enforceability of some legislative instruments.


The current laws relating to employment include:


  • The Regulations on the Employment of Disabled Persons (2007), which was enacted to encourage social groups and individuals to support the employment of disabled persons through various means as well as ban discrimination.

  • The Employment Promotion Law (2007), which contains an anti-discrimination provision relating to persons with disabilities.

  • The 12th Five Year National Programme on Disability (2011-2015), which has, as one of its key aims, the creation of 1 million jobs for persons with disabilities in the next five years.

  • The Government has established a quota system requiring all public and private employers to reserve no less than 1.5 per cent of job opportunities for persons with disabilities.  Provincial   Authorities specify the exact quota level which may vary between provinces.

  • It is worth noting that China received support from the ILO pursuant to the Decent Work Country Programme (with the last Programme having ran from 2013 to 2015). This Programme helps address the needs of those most disadvantaged in the labour market (including disabled persons) and promotes worker rights and fundamental principles as well as other labour rights.

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